Home PDP-11/44
Convert BIC files to straight binary files

Convert BIC files to straight binary files

XXDP’s BIC files are record based. To be able to disassemble them it is better to have straight binaries.

The record format of a BIC file is:

  • Byte 1 - Contains a value of 1 to indicate starting point.
  • Byte 2 - Contains a value of 0. This must follow byte 1.
  • Bytes 3 and 4 - Contains number of bytes (N) in this binary block. It includes bytes 1, 2, 3 and 4 but excludes the checksum byte.
  • Byte 5 and 6 - Contains the starting memory address where the following data bytes are to be stored.
  • Byte 7 to N - Data bytes. N <= 509. The maximum number of data bytes is 503.
  • Byte N+1 - Contains the checksum byte. The checksum is the two’s complement of the sum of the data in all N bytes. It is generated ignoring overflow and carry conditions.

The end of a binary file is indicated by a binary block that has a byte count of 6. Bytes 5 and 6 contain

the program’s transfer address, this block is known as the ‘transfer block’.

The following Java program converts those files:

package to.etc.dec.tu58.bicreader;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;

 * Reads .bic files and creates a binary only image of its contents.
public class BicReader {
	private final InputStream m_is;

	private int m_offset;

	private int m_end;

	private final byte[] m_memory = new byte[64 * 1024];

	public BicReader(InputStream is) {
		m_is = is;

	static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		if(args.length != 1) {
			System.err.println("Usage: BicReader [file]");

		BicReader bicReader;
		try(InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(args[0]))) {
			bicReader = new BicReader(is);

		String nwName = args[0];
		int last = nwName.lastIndexOf('.');
		if(last != -1) {
			nwName = nwName.substring(0, last);
		nwName += ".bin";
		try(FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(nwName))) {
			fos.write(bicReader.m_memory, 0, bicReader.m_end);
		System.out.println("Wrote " + bicReader.m_end + " bytes to " + nwName);

	private void run() throws Exception {
		for(;;) {
			int newEnd = readBlock();
			if(newEnd == -1) {
			if(newEnd > m_end) {
				m_end = newEnd;


	 * Format:
	 * <pre>
	 *	Byte 1 - Contains a value of 1 to indicate starting point.
	 * 	Byte 2 - Contains a value of 0. This must follow byte 1.
	 * 	Bytes 3 and 4 - Contains number of bytes (N) in this binary block. It includes bytes 1, 2, 3
	 *  		and 4 but excludes the checksum byte.
	 *	Byte 5 and 6 - Contains the starting memory address where the following data bytes are
	 *		to be stored.
	 *	Byte 7 to N - Data bytes. N <= 509. The maximum number of data bytes is 503.
	 *	Byte N+1 - Contains the checksum byte. The checksum is the two's complement of the sum
	 *  	of the data in all N bytes. It is generated ignoring overflow and carry conditions.
	 * </pre>
	private int readBlock() throws Exception {
		int b = m_is.read();
		if(b == -1) {
			return -1;
		if(b != 1) {
			error("Invalid record start byte: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(b));
		b = read();
		if(b != 0)
			error("Invalid record 2nd byte: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(b));

		int len = readWord();
		if(len > 509 || len < 6)
			error("Invalid data length " + len + ", expecting len <= 509 and >= 6");
		int start = readWord();
		len -= 6;
		if(len == 0)
			return -1;								// End of file

		if(start + len > m_memory.length)
			error("start address 0x" + Integer.toHexString(start) + " and len 0x" + Integer.toHexString(len) + " overflows 64K");
		int bytes = m_is.read(m_memory, start, len);
		if(bytes != len)
			error("Failed to read " + len + " bytes, got " + bytes);
		m_offset += bytes;
		int sum = read();						// Forget about the sum

		System.out.println("Loaded 0x"
			+ Integer.toHexString(len)
			+ " (0" + Integer.toOctalString(len) + " oct)"
			+ " bytes at 0x"
			+ Integer.toHexString(start)
			+ " (0" + Integer.toOctalString(start) + " oct)"
		return start + len;

	private int readWord() throws Exception {
		int w = read();
		int v = read();
		return w | (v << 8);

	private int read() throws Exception {
		int r = m_is.read();
		if(r == -1) {
			error("Unexpected end of file");
		return r & 0xff;

	private void error(String s) {
		throw new RuntimeException(s + " at offset 0x" + Integer.toHexString(m_offset));

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