Home HP 9825A
9825A Error codes

9825A Error codes

Copy from the error codes booklet

*: these errors give a cursor in the line when the RECALL button is pressed, indicating the location of the error in the line.

00System Error
01Unexpected peripheral interrupt
02*Unterminated text
03*Mnemonic is unknown
04System is secured
05Operation not allowed; line cannot be stored; executed with line number
06*Syntax error in number
07*Syntax error in input line
08Internal representation of the line is too long (gives cursor sometimes)
09Gto, gsb, or end statement not allowed in present context (1: see also Advanced Programming ROM error messages)
10*Gto or gsb statement requires an integer
11Integer out of range or integer required. Must be between -32768 and 32767
12*Line cannot be stored; can only be executed
13Enter (ent) statement not allowed in current context
14Program structure destroyed
15Printer out of paper or printer failure
16String variables ROM not present for the string comparison. Argument in relational comparison operator not allowed.
17Parameter out of range
18Incorrect parameter
19Bad line number
20Missing ROM or binary program. The second number indicates the missing ROM. In the program mode, the line number is given instead of the ROM number.

1: Binary Program
4: Systems Programming
6: Strings
8: Extended I/O
9: Advanced programming
10: Matrix
11: Plotter (9862A or 9872A)
12: General I/O
15: 9885 Disk
21Line is too long to store
22Improper dimension specification
23Simple variable already allocated
24Array already dimensioned
25Dimensions of array disagree with number of subscripts
26Subscript of array element out of bounds
27Undefined Array
28Ref statement has no matching gsb statement
29Cannot execute line because a ROM or binary program is missing
30Special function key not defined
31Non-existent program line
32Improper data type (1: see also Advanced Programming ROM error messages)
33Data types do not match in assignment statement
34Display overflow due to pressing a special function key
35Improper flag reference (no such flag)
36Attempt to delete destination of a gto or gsb statement
37Display buffer overflow caused by display (dsp) statement
38Insufficient memory for subroutine return pointer (1)
39Insufficient memory for variable allocation or binary program
40Insufficient memory for operation
41No cartridge in tape transport
42Tape cartridge is write protected
43Unexpected Beginning-of-tape (BOT) or End-of-tape (EOT) marker encountered, or a tape transport failure
44Verify has failed
45Attempted execution of idf statement without parameters, or mkr statement when tape position is unknown
46Read error of file body (See appendix F)
47Read error of file head (see appendix F)
48End-of-tape (EOT) encountered before specified number of files were marked
49File too small
50Ldf statement for a program file must be the last statement in the line
51A ROM is present but was not when the memory was recorded. Remove the ROM indicated by the number to the right of the error number in the display, and re-execute the ldm statement. In the program mode, the line number is given instead of the ROM number. See error 20 for a list of ROM numbers.
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