Display and CPU board
CPU Board
Board overview:
Actual CPU part
Smaller subschemas
Fixes so far:
- C203 330uF replaced by 220uF (leaked)
The front panel looks as follows:
The display board layout:
It is actual 2 boards; the middle keyboard is a separate one connected by a dip flat cable.
Its schematic diagram:
And part 2:
Initial state
I removed the CPU and display boards from the case, and cleaned up the goo left by some foam between the keyboard’s keys.
Wires for providing power added:
GND black
+5v Red
+20VFX brown
+5VFX UNreg (connected to R110 1ohm then to large cap C110 +)
I connected the CPU board to a 5V power supply and checked current consumption (around 1.6A). Nothing got hot, so I checked the CPU clock (worked) and the R/W and address lines. The CPU seems to run.
After that I connected CPU board and display board together and powered them up with 5V and got display:
and after that lamp test like display:
The initial display seems to be a lamp test, and from that we can see that some displays do not work: the three alphanumeric ones on the left and the two on the right. The “channel” one initially did not work either but that was just a loose connection.
Focusing on the “unit” display I checked U4, a shift register for one of the digits (74ls164). pin 8 is its clock (blue) and pin 1 is its data (yellow):
So we do seem to have data being shifted through.
Checked U103 (Parallel → serial shift register)’s SH and CLK lines (1, 2) and data out (7) and there is very little activity on it- but there is some:
Checked U116 pin 12 (_ENABLE_) and it has a pulse train:
Checked Q103..Q107 (display select line drivers) and there appears to be no data on the bases of those transistors. I replaced a 74145 and after that things got to live:
The board reacts to keypresses, and things can be configured 😉
One done, heaps to go..